Odds, Ends, Updates and Highlights

Hey.  Wassup?  Got some random stuff to hit on, so here goes.

First, there is one slot left in The Daily Dimwit‘s Ovation Case Group Break!  One team of your choice and a second to be randomed off, for $30.  Go for it!


Next, I’ve gotten into trade talks with all of the following recently!  Cardboard Collections, The Good Dimwit again, Things are Funner Here, the legendary Night Owl, Argyled Plaschke, The Lost Collector, Potch Wheeler, Nomo’s Sushi Platter, Too Many Vergrandersons, Cards on Cards, Offy and more!  I know what you’re thinking.  Why do I always get myself in so over my head with trades that at least a couple will end up taking forever?  Well, this time I’m not in over my head (it just looks that way).  Every single person up there has most of their cards set aside for them already.  Once finalized (three already are), these will start going out in June.

Stuff for Marie and Cardboard Conundrum is pretty much ready to go and just needs sent.  I’m pretty sure that despite my extreme brokeness, I will be able to send these towards the end of the week after the weather breaks (it’s storming something fierce as I type this).

On top of all that, I think I’ll finally be sending what I believe are my last four horrendously long overdue trades in the near future as well.

Finally, check back this evening to see what football cards I have available.  I should at least have most of my swatches and autos listed by then.

Oh, and for the sake of having a picture in this post, here’s a look at my latest artistic endeavor:

Pencils on the X-Men blank variant cover I picked up on Free Comic Book Day, which wasn't even close to free. L-R: Jubilee, Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops, Pixie, Angel, Emma Frost.

That’s all for now.  Seeya.

Jubilee is a vampire now.  Vampires are cool.

One thought on “Odds, Ends, Updates and Highlights

  1. Tim says:

    Horrendously overdue is okay when the contents are awesome!

    Also, the Sandberg is going elsewhere, but I brought back some Corinthian Headliners which include, wouldn’t you know it, a Sandberg. Do you want it? It’s yours if you do haha.

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