Starfire, Up Close and Personal

Just a quickie post before I hit the hay, because I have to get up relatively early tomorrow to see the next airing of Wrestle Kingdom 9 that I didn’t make it over in time to see tonight (I ate almost a whole pizza and inked & colored a few more old sketch cards instead).  So I present you one of the last four sketch cards I did in the waning days of 2014.

Dat detail tho..

Dat detail tho..

As the title indicates, this is indeed Starfire of the Teen Titans.  She is one of my go-to sketch card characters, because quite frankly, coloring white people is kinda tedious and boring.  I just like coloring a lot more in general when I can use vibrant, interesting colors.  Anyway, I felt like I was putting entirely too much effort into these cards while I was doing them, since I didn’t put near as much effort into the earlier stages, but I don’t hate how things turned out.  Anything but perfect, but a fairly spirited effort, I’d say.

Pretty much all the cards I do are available, so if you should ever happen to like anything I do enough to want to own it, hit me up and we can work something out!

That’s all I’ve got for now.  Thanks for stopping by.

Until our next…