Ending January on an Artistic Note

There were three more sketch cards in January’s shipment from COMC, so let’s end the month with a quick post showing ’em off!

Lady Demon, my beloved She-Hulk, and Hit-Girl..

Lady Demon, my beloved She-Hulk, and Hit-Girl..

The kinda iffy, if you’re feeling exceptionally diplomatic about it, Hit-Girl only cost $3, which more-or-less made up for the rad Lady Demon and She-Hulk pushing the edge of my spending comfort zone.  I checked eBay for Chaos sketch cards though, and at least at the time, $12.44 had everything on there beat by $7.50, at minimum.  Shulkie was the most expensive, but I can justify the purchase without too much difficulty.  All three together weighed in at under $10 per card, and the main two kick ass, so I’m content. 😛

In other news, I added a few more Single Page Sensations on top of the metric buttload I added in my previous post, and I’m going to make like Baseball Card Breakdown and cut full player collections off at 100 cards, which means a fair amount of my lesser Nomahs, Vlads, Rynos, Aramiseseses, and maybe Ichiros are about to become available.

That’s all for now.  Thanks for stopping by, and seeya in February! 🙂

A storm is coming…

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