Nothing New to Report

Christmas came and went, and it was nice I guess.  Ate so much I thought I was going to explode, went and saw my mom’s crazy family on Saturday, and managed to do seven new sketches in one of my sketchbooks on Christmas and the day after.  The money received for Christmas is about to turn into a box of 2008 Donruss Threads baseball, as I begin to run through the boxes I’ve been wanting to get for awhile that have finally fallen into my price range (will be workin’ on this till spring or so, then I’m hopefully scaling way back).  I having nothing useful for the blog coming out of Christmas though.

I started scanning a bunch of stuff Friday (Secret Santa gift, a few random cards, Fantastic Four Archives break, and a trade with the Great Sports Name Hall of Fame), but was distracted and never finished thanks to RiffTrax of Star Wars.  It was glorious, but I got nothing done afterwards, and I was too worn out to retrieve anything I did get done after getting back to town late last night.  So yeah, I got nuthin’.

No biggie though, just me being lazy.  What is kinda biggie though, is on the way back in to my place last night, I managed to drop the five regular inserts (not the sketch card) I from the FF Archives box AND nearly all of my sketch cards, severely dinging up all the inserts and a few of my sketch cards.  As well, all the sketch cards I dropped suffered at least minor damage (which was all but the very first five I ever did), with a few being pretty much completely ruined.  Needless to say, a lousy end to an otherwise great holiday.  So I’m back at square one with them, and in a somewhat foul mood today.

The fact that my box of ’09 UD A Piece of History still says awaiting payment, even though the payment was sent almost a week-and-a-half ago, that ain’t helping.  I grow annoyed at the universe kicking me in general, but especially on the heels of things going surprisingly right of late.  And in a place where it hurts, like my art and my cards.  You hear me universe?  Find yourself a new buttmonkey.  Go be an asshole to someone else.  I’m done with this crap.

On that note, seeya soon everyone!  Hopefully things will be better next time I get around to posting.

What do you do when you get knocked down?  Get back up and fight harder.

Quick Hits

Just have a few of notes to mention tonight, since I’m not up for the 3-5 hours it’ll take to do a post for my first trade Wicked Ortega (It was big!  I don’t think the 9 or so scans I did was more than 40% of the package), which is the only other thing I have handy to talk about at the moment, since my Allen Iverson post is now moot (and I couldn’t be happier!).

I finally got around to doing a bunch of scans of eBay stuff, pack breakage, my second trade with Wicked Ortega, the clunkers and more from Roll out the Barrel, a few other random cards, a couple sketch cards I finally finished, and some quickie sketches from one of my sketchbooks.  And then I forgot to bring them back to my place… Yeah, I suck. -.-;

Anyway, you’ve got that stuff to look forward to when I do finally get all that good stuff over here.  And I’ve got a box of Fantastic Four Archives I picked up on Blowout Cards over the weekend to look forward to arriving near Christmas.  Here’s hoping for a really cool sketch card.

Speaking of sketch cards, does anyone know where I can get some binders on the really really cheap?  I need one for my sketch card and Benchwarmers collections, and probably ones for other stuff eventually.  My ginormo 2005 Bowman Heritage redemption binder won’t hold my random insert/WBC collections and player collections forever.

Provided I pick up some more cases, cards will be going out, starting this weekend, to the following peeps: Nachos Grande, Shot Not Taken, Roll out the Barrel, Night Owl, and The Great Sports Name Hall of Fame, and possibly another 3-5 more to be named later.  It’s gonna be a busy month, or what qualifies as such for me.  Fortunately, there are no $7+ packages here, so I won’t break myself with all this.

Hmm… I thought that was it, but since I just now finished a couple more sketch cards, I thought I’d mention them.  Rick “Wild Thing” Vaughn and Batman are now done.  I will scan them someday.  They’ll be available for sale or trade or something maybe.  The blog stars of AnotherMaria and Ms. Latina I’m coloring as I type this very paragraph won’t though.  Once I finish it, I’m going to send it off to each of them to sign.  It will be my first TTM auto. ♥ 😀

Goodnight, and apologies for such a crappy, halfhearted post.  Maybe the next one will be better.


You’re thinking of tacos…