Sketch Cards!

I’m not sure if anyone who reads my blog really cares about my artistic pursuits, or the total fail that is my writing pursuits thusfar, blogging about stuff aside.  I’m just happy to have readers at all.  It’s pretty cool to know that even if only a few people can hear you, they take time out of their busy lives just to read what you have to say.  So anyway, like I said, I don’t know if anyone really cares about these wannabe artistic person posts, but I do have a few more finished sketch cards I’d like to share.


I almost left the rest after I colored in the mask, cape, and emblem, because I liked the way it looked, but I think coloring the whole thing was for the best.  Although now that I look at it, I should probably do a little shading on his face and chest under the cowl. *sigh* Hopefully I can finish this one in less takes than Dr. Strange.

And now for the good doctor himself:

Dr. Strange sketch card

This was INTENSE.  It took me at least four tries to get it like this, and I feel like I can officially say that this one is done.  Finally!

Be advised, it may be about to get a lil PG-13 up in hurr.

Phantom Lady sketch card

Yeah, I don’t know how you fight crime in that outfit either.  Multiple takes on coloring this one too, since I (admittedly inadvertently) picked up a the right markers for the job on my last trip to the art store.  I went back and added the brown over the orange background and shading on the green & yellow parts in round two.  I’m not entirely displeased with how it turned out.

Now for some Cleveland Indians and great sports movie bait:

Wild Thing!

Rockin’ it baseball card style with Rick Vaughn.  I didn’t try to go straight portrait on him.  Turned out okay though still, methinks.  Trying to do my sig in old school topps logo style was pretty fail, but just close enough to know what I was aiming for, I think.  On the back it is noted as being a 1/1, lol. 😛  I may be arsed to do a little more face shading and make the skull less lame now that I have a gold gel pen on hand.  And don’t even get me started on that logo!  Holy crap is it ever hard to draw that small!

Finally, one I’m not done with yet, but one I must show, though I don’t think it comes close to doing it’s subjects the slightest bit of justice…

Blog Stars Ms. Latina and AnotherMaria future dual TTM autograph card!

Migdalia & Maria

I heart them so.  But alas, the coloring… did not turn out awesomely.  So much to fix there.  Ms. L came out way too pale and I don’t think I got Maria’s skin tone right either, though it might be okay since I used a pretty dark picture.  And that arm… dang, what was I thinking?  I goofed up on her hair too I think, but it’s far less noticeable.  I’m so sorry, ladies. m(_ _)m  My coloring skillz need a lot more work it looks like.

Also, on top of all that fixing I’m somewhat reasonably certain I might be able to pull off (maybe), the gold gel pen will be used on the line in the middle, and maybe on spaces where the autographs go.  I confirmed that a sharpie marker should write over the gel pen coloring just fine, and I think whatever color they choose to use on gold that has a slight, uhh, shimmery-ness(?) to it when light hits it right, will look awesome. 🙂

I hope you enjoyed my latest foray into trying to draw pretty pictures.  Feel free to commission me if you like my stuff, not that I’d know what to charge.  The cards above (except for the last one, obviously) are available as well, though it turns out only one is truly done.  Details, details.  It’s all in the details.

Now then, it has been a long day and night.  I bid you adieu, for now.

Until our next…

Quick Hits

Just have a few of notes to mention tonight, since I’m not up for the 3-5 hours it’ll take to do a post for my first trade Wicked Ortega (It was big!  I don’t think the 9 or so scans I did was more than 40% of the package), which is the only other thing I have handy to talk about at the moment, since my Allen Iverson post is now moot (and I couldn’t be happier!).

I finally got around to doing a bunch of scans of eBay stuff, pack breakage, my second trade with Wicked Ortega, the clunkers and more from Roll out the Barrel, a few other random cards, a couple sketch cards I finally finished, and some quickie sketches from one of my sketchbooks.  And then I forgot to bring them back to my place… Yeah, I suck. -.-;

Anyway, you’ve got that stuff to look forward to when I do finally get all that good stuff over here.  And I’ve got a box of Fantastic Four Archives I picked up on Blowout Cards over the weekend to look forward to arriving near Christmas.  Here’s hoping for a really cool sketch card.

Speaking of sketch cards, does anyone know where I can get some binders on the really really cheap?  I need one for my sketch card and Benchwarmers collections, and probably ones for other stuff eventually.  My ginormo 2005 Bowman Heritage redemption binder won’t hold my random insert/WBC collections and player collections forever.

Provided I pick up some more cases, cards will be going out, starting this weekend, to the following peeps: Nachos Grande, Shot Not Taken, Roll out the Barrel, Night Owl, and The Great Sports Name Hall of Fame, and possibly another 3-5 more to be named later.  It’s gonna be a busy month, or what qualifies as such for me.  Fortunately, there are no $7+ packages here, so I won’t break myself with all this.

Hmm… I thought that was it, but since I just now finished a couple more sketch cards, I thought I’d mention them.  Rick “Wild Thing” Vaughn and Batman are now done.  I will scan them someday.  They’ll be available for sale or trade or something maybe.  The blog stars of AnotherMaria and Ms. Latina I’m coloring as I type this very paragraph won’t though.  Once I finish it, I’m going to send it off to each of them to sign.  It will be my first TTM auto. ♥ 😀

Goodnight, and apologies for such a crappy, halfhearted post.  Maybe the next one will be better.


You’re thinking of tacos…